South Pennine Boat Club

Temporary Moorings Application Form

SPBC Members should login before completing this form.

Temporary moorings are available to SPBC members, AWCC affiliated boat club members & crews sponsored by a SPBC Mooring Member.


  • First 7 nights free (per annum)
  • Non-members £3.00 per night
  • Members same rate as Mooring Members
  • Refundable Gate Key deposit £25.00
Gate Key Loan

Please complete one of the following options

Terms & Conditions for Temporary Mooring Applications

The attention of applicants is respectfully drawn to the Club Byelaws, copies of which are posted on the Clubhouse Notice Board.

  1. Only members of SPBC, AWCC affiliated club members and crews sponsored by a SPBC Mooring Member may apply for a temporary mooring.
  2. The Club/Club Committee cannot be held responsible for damage to persons or property however caused and their ruling on all matters is final.
  3. The Boat must have a current navigation licence with The Canal & River Trust and be clearly displayed on the boat.
  4. The Boat-owner(s) shall comply with instructions issued by a duly authorised Officer of the Club with regards to the position the Boat is to be kept whilst on the premises. The Club reserves the right at its discretion, and the Boatowner(s) accept that the mooring or other position of the Boat may be changed from time to time. The Boatowner(s) agrees that the said Officer of the Club, or, if necessary for access or egress, other members, may move the Boat between Mooring positions.
  5. The Mooring Officer (or other nominated Club Officer) has the right to move the Boat from the Club Moorings should the need arise.
  6. The Boat-owner(s) shall at all times ensure that the Boat is comprehensively insured on a 12 month marine policy and insured for third party liability (including wreck removal costs) to a value of at least two million pounds (£2,000,000) in respect of any one accident or occurrence.
  7. On arrival the Boat-owner shall ensure an electric post Credit reading is taken. On leaving the Boat-owner(s) shall ensure that the electric post meter is replenished with at least the same amount of Credit as on arrival. Electric cards are available from duly authorised Club members.
  8. Visitors may use the Club's sanitation unit providing only environmentally friendly treatments are used. Formaldehyde treatments such as Elsan Blue are not permitted.

I would like to moor my boat on moorings under the care and control of South Pennine Boat Club and agree to comply with the Conditions of Temporary Mooring as detailed above.

(Enter the sum of 2+3)